The research group Food Security in the Maghreb Countries in collaboration with the research group Geo-economic Implications in the Mediterranean Region and Their Impact on Security and Development in Algerian are organizing a national forum on: The Controversial Relation between Security and Environmental Protection in the Mediterranean Region and the Implications on the Maghreb Region, on December, 16 – 17, 2019.
Honorary Director of the Forum: Dr. Mustafa Saidj
General Supervision: Dr. Lokman Meghraoui, head of research group
Director of Forum: Dr. Ibtissam Ouachrin
Head of Scientific Committee: Dr. Rokia El Akel
Head of Organizing Committee: Morad Zemraji, scholar
Axes of Forum
1st Axis: Theoretical and Legal Referencing of Both Food and Environmental Security
2nd Axis: Parameters of Economic Security in the Mediterranean, Maghreb Region
3rd Axis: Environmental Threats in the Maghreb Region
4th Axis: Ramifications of Environmental Hazards of the Mediterranean Region on the Environmental Security and Development in the Maghreb Countries.
Contact: Polides.lab@gmail.com