The research group, Preparation for the Defense of the State under the New Security Threats, the Case of Algeria, is organizing an international seminar on: Algeria and the Geo-politics of the Mediterranean Region, Challenges and Perspectives. The Seminar will be held at the National Superior School of Political Sciences, on March 10-11, 2020.
Honorary Director: Dr. Mustapha Saidj
Director of Seminar: Dr. Nerjess Fleci
Vice-director of Seminar: Dr. Hakim Ghereib
Director of Scientific Committee: Dr. Mohammed Said Mekki
Panels of the Seminar
1st panel: The Mediterranean Region, Geo-political and Geo-strategic Dimensions
2nd panel: Geo-political Changes and Factors of Insecurity in the Mediterranean Region
3rd panel: International Strategic Stakes in the Mediterranean Region
4th panel: Future Perspectives: Union for Sake the Mediterranean Region, Atlantic-Mediterranean Dialogue,